
15 November 2012

Poor, Neglected Blog

First of all, how do you like my new logo? Unfortunately, several people have been stealing my photos to sell hats on the Internet. I'm going to have to use this to watermark my photos as a result - not what I want to do, but it's necessary. 

Anways, as you know, my little piece of the Internet has been sadly pushed to the back burner for the past several months. Starting in late August, the Daisy Cottage Designs shop took off (which is what most Etsians are hoping for). I started August with 150 sales or so. I'm standing at approximately 380 right now. I'm not going to lie - the money has been nice. The stress and the 3 a.m. crochet sessions? Not so much. 

I currently have 5 hats left to finish before I take a break for Thanksgiving and go on a trip with my little family. I can't wait. I love crocheting and making adorable things for kids, but I'm going to have to find a better way to manage my shop and my time so I don't get totally overwhelmed. I want to have time for preschool activities with Riley, blogging, and reading books other than the Bible from time to time. I need to be able to drop what's going on at home and meet a friend at the park for an hour or two. Those things just haven't been possible over the past couple months. I also want to write a few more patterns that have been in my head for a while; I just can't do that when I'm constantly making owl hats. 

That said, I don't want to stop selling hats completely. I've got a plan in my head that sounds great where it is. I'm just afraid that once it's put into practice, it's not going to work out like I'm hoping. We shall see. 

I'll leave you with a couple photos because what's a post without them?

I had labels made! They make my pieces look much more professional, I think. The owl made them too big, but I'm thinking about getting tiny labels with just the owl soon... I think this one will go inside hats and the owl will go on the outside. 

My mom took our family photos for our Thanksgiving cards a couple weeks ago. Not many of them turned out, but I absolutely love this one. This picture captures our little family very well, I think. Too bad Caroline is chomping on her fingers rather than displaying one of her precious smiles.

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