
30 November 2012

Goodbye, Thumb Sucking

Is it okay to admit that I'm sad about something most parents would be happy about? Riley has stopped sucking her thumb.  At 2 years and almost 9 months, she has decided "I'm a big girl," and told me she's not going to do it anymore. 

It's really not as simple as all that. Our sweet girl came down with a pretty nasty case of hand, foot, and mouth disease a couple weeks ago. Her poor little mouth was covered in big, yucky sores. And she had one on her hand. Would you care to guess where that one blister was? Her left thumb. You guessed it; that's the one she sucks. Well, sucked. 

We had a few really long, rough nights. She couldn't get to sleep well since she relied on her thumb, and she couldn't stay asleep either. She's never been the suck your thumb all night type of kid. She'd stick it in periodically and pull it out a few minutes later. Well, anytime she'd go to suck it, she'd wake up screaming. It wasn't fun. I repeat, was not fun.

On our way to Alabama last week, I couldn't help but notice every time she fell asleep it was without her thumb. I asked her about it and that's when she told me she was all grown up. I wanted to hold her in my arms, give her her "blankie," force that calloused left thumb into her mouth and tell her, "No, sweet girl. You're not grown up. You're still my baby." Of course, I didn't do that, but it was tempting. 

I'm very glad I don't have to worry about her sucking her thumb in third grade, and I'm thankful that the thumb sucking won't mess up her permanent teeth (though if you'd seen David's and mine before braces,  you'd know our kids don't have much hope of an orthodontics-free future). I'd already been formulating a plan of how to get her to stop around her third birthday. It's bittersweet that I don't have to put one of my plans into action. 

I snapped these photos back in May. At the time, I thought it was a little bit silly that I was taking photos of Riley sucking her thumb. Now, I'm so happy that I did. They're not perfectly composed or edited, but they are definitely precious now.

Ni Hao Yall


  1. Awww... I understand! It is so cute when they're young, and does keep them "young"! Although I'm a little jealous, because we have a 1st grader that still sucks his thumb and we can't break him of it! He was a "suck ALL the time" though and now it's only sometimes.. (going to sleep, watching TV, or when he's upset) and we don't think he does it at school. But he's definitely ruining his permanent teeth. We'll definitely be doing braces!

    1. Your son is getting there :) I'm sure you'll miss it once it's gone, too.

  2. Beautiful photos and thoughts. There is something content about a thumbsucker but I understand what you say. Live goes by all to fast.

    1. Thanks, April. You're so right... time flies. I've gotta get better about savoring every moment.

  3. Our younger boy did that too when he was a baby. He didn't like binkies at all. Luckily he stopped that thing by him self when he had more teeth. Good!!!

    My older boy is now 7 and he just told me this week that there's one girl in his class who still sucks her thumb! :O

  4. Oh, what a brave sweet little girl. I am sorry she had a rough time when she couldn't suck her thumb. That's OK. My six year old still sucks her thumb, but only a few minutes, until she falls asleep. :) Luckily, she falls asleep very fast! :)) So I am not going to do anything about it. :P
    My mother-in-law told me that my husband's sister sucked her thumb until she was nearly thirteen!

  5. Poor little sweetie! Must have been so painful to put that thumb in there. You will be happy she quit when it comes time for orthodontics!

  6. Sweet photos! I feel silly taking photos of little things too, but it's so nice to be able to go back and revisit a time in their lives. :)

  7. So sad! At least her teeth won't be damaged!

  8. Awe what sweet pictures and I always found the thumbsucking thing to be very endearing. :)

  9. Well, at least shes was able to end it on her terms, much more simple that way.

  10. She's all grown up now, congrats to her achievement! My boy also tells me tt he's a "young man now" and its bittersweet to hear that. They grow up so quickly, don't they?


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