
21 November 2012

Caroline 8 Months

Happy 8 months to our sweet Caroline. This happy baby is growing up way too fast. At 8 months, here's what Caroline is up to:
  • She loves to play, play, play. Her exersaucer is one of her favorite places - she loves looking at herself in the little mirror and making the toys spin. 
  • Caroline loves watching her big sister. It's very rare that Riley doesn't bring a smile to her little sister's lips. 
  • Caroline thinks food is the best part of the day. If you're eating around Caroline, you'd better watch out. She'll grunt and pester you until you give her bites of whatever you're eating. We really haven't found anything she won't eat (though yogurt is definitely not her favorite). It's no wonder she's so much bigger than her sister was at this age. 
  • The "I want mommy stage" seems to have come to an end as quickly as it started. Caroline is usually happy to be passed from person to person. She goes in the nursery at church without a peep, too.
  • Thanks to all who have prayed for Caroline's clogged tear duct. Since her last update, it has cleared up entirely. Like the spit up, one day I realized that I hadn't had to clean any "gunk" from her eye in a while. I'm so thankful! Our pediatrician said it can clear up and come back, but for now, it looks like she'll be able to avoid surgery. 

This month's pictures aren't my favorite. I was running late and took them inside against a wall - definitely not the best background. Too bad I don't realize the pictures aren't as good as I had hoped until I've already removed the month sticker from her clothes. 


  1. Hey, don't be too hard on yourself. Those photos convey the childish delight absolutely perfectly! Glad food is not a problem: how about toys, though? Maybe Riley and you (and Caroline too) might like to visit my blog at to learn about how some are made - and there's a link to the shop, if you want to see them too! Hope to see you there sometime soon. Meanwhile, good luck to your lovely family.

  2. She is SO cute. I can't wait to see you all again!


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