
23 August 2012

Riley Update


Since Caroline is so young and changing so quickly, I post monthly updates. I don't know that there's much change in Riley from month to month, but the mom in me wants to give equal blog time so we'll see if we can't have a Riley update every month, as well.

Riley is full of funny sayings and antics these days. Yesterday while we were at dinner with my mom and dad, the waitress asked her if she was going to pay. She said she was. The waitress proceeded to ask if she had any money - "Nope." She dug around in her purse a little bit, pulled out a folded piece of paper and happily announced, "I have this!" She had apparently crawled on the piano bench and taken a check that one of my students had brought yesterday. Little stinker.

Riley is also quite the little composer. She's always walking around the house singing made up songs. Today's big hit was "I really love all my friends." There was only one line to the song, but it lasted about 2 hours. She also sings Sunday school songs incessantly - I hope she always loves singing songs about Jesus.

Riley's manners have really gotten good lately. She almost always says please and thank you. The other day as David was leaving the house, Riley called after him: "Have a nice day, Daddy! Drive safely!" The "I love you's" sprinkled throughout our day really brighten life.

As you can tell from the pictures, Riley has quite a case of "fake smile" whenever the camera is pulled out. I crack up at the face she makes when I ask her to smile for the camera.

Riley Grace August 2012

Riley Grace August 2012


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