
21 July 2014

Craft Space Tour 2014 {Crochet Cave Video Tour}

Having a beautiful, relaxing craft area is really helpful for me. If things aren't pretty and relatively organized in my "crochet space," it would be very unlikely for you to find me working in there. I'll take my work to the living room or sit on my bed instead. Recently, my husband and I decided to get a new couch and I quickly confiscated the old one for my "crochet cave." I spruced it up with some bright and funky pillows from TJ Maxx and Tuesday Morning, and my space was well on its way to being just right. Click read more to read all about my craft space and to take a video tour.

My craft area is complete with three of these awesome cabinets.  They allow me to store the vast majority of my yarn in a fashionable and efficient way. As some are quick to point out, they are a little on the pricey side, but my husband wanted my yarn to be stored in something other than plastic totes - we have company quite a bit and it really isn't very welcoming to have yarn strewn about the entire house.

Above the cabinets, I have three shelves that David mounted for me. They store some of my notions, my camera, my packaging supplies, and more. They also work to make the space look a little bit homey and pretty. 

Wedged into the corner between the wall and one of my cabinets, I have a really cool vintage chair that I inherited from the previous owners of this house. Long story short, they were like my grandparents from the time I was 5 months old. When they moved, they didn't need all their furniture so I inherited a very old chair. The blanket thrown over the back of the chair is a vintage granny square blanket I found for $20 - such a bargain since it would have taken me a long, long time to find enough hours to make something similar. 

On the wall opposite the yarn storage, and somehow not pictured, I have a small desk where I store my computer, display a few pictures, and put my Bible and notebooks. I have a vintage folding chair tucked beside it that I can use if I ever decide to sit at the desk (that rarely happens).

If you're a video person, feel free to watch this video tour of my craft area. Please note that I'm not a videographer or vlogger; I didn't spend hours editing this video - I just put it together because my Facebook fans indicated that they would love to see it. I stumble over a few words and use the wrong word a couple of times - you would never imagine how nervous someone can be making a video. I was unable to record using my Canon 60D because I don't have the right type of SD card. I will try to refilm at that point. 



  1. Enjoyed the tour! I wish our play room were big enough for me to have it double as a crochet room as well! :) love your yarn storage!

  2. Such a lovely room tour! Thank you for all the great ideas. Love how it's so inviting, yet functional! Happy crocheting!

  3. Hi Lauren! Wow, I thoroughly enjoyed the video and getting to 'know' you a little bit better. I absolutely love your crochet work so I really liked seeing where all the 'magic' happens, as well as your yarn stash and how you organize it and your other craft items. I agree that it is really important to have a cozy and comfortable place to lounge, crochet and just relax and enjoy yourself. Also, what a great addition to be able to include your girls and to have them close by. Thanks so much for sharing a little slice of your heaven with us!

  4. Ugh...jealousy so does not become me! My craft space is a stack of plastic boxes upon which rests the pillow I use to do my photography on.

    Your space is awesome and I especially noted that God was in there with you :)

    Lovely and inspiring, Lauren!

  5. Ugh...jealousy so does not become me! My craft space is a stack of plastic boxes upon which rests the pillow I use to do my photography on.

    Your space is awesome and I especially noted that God was in there with you :)

    Lovely and inspiring, Lauren!

  6. I loved seeing your room! Thanks so much for sharing it with us! I really love the calendar and would love to know the artist, I would love to get one for my craft room.
    Thanks, Carey


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